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Here at St Luke’s, we want to see young people who are rooted in their identity in Christ and who are flourishing in their faith as they grow as disciples of Jesus.


We have youth ministry provision during our 10am service each Sunday. You can find out more here.

2nd Saturday
Each month, those in Y9+ meet for games, discipleship and of course… pizza! This is an opportunity for those who are committed in faith to think through the practical outworking of the life of a disciple in todays world. We always start each session with a creative team challenge!

If you, or your teenager, is interested in attending second Saturday please contact the church office:

Socials and trips

We believe that a vital element of youth discipleship comes in forming friendships with one another to encourage each other in faith. One way that this happens is through shared experiences organised by the youth team.

We have a variety of trips and socials running throughout the year.

Most recently we have taken a trip to 270 Climbing on their high ropes course!

The best way to connect in with all that is going on for youth at St Luke's is to come along on a Sunday to our 10am service and meet the team.